By-Laws for the Idaho Trappers Association    


The name of this organization shall be the Idaho Trappers Association, Inc. (ITA).


A.   To preserve trapping in the state of Idaho.

            B.   To provide information which will allow Association members to engage in the sport of responsible trapping.

            C.   To promote trapper and trap line safety.

            D.   To encourage the practice of good sportsmanship and compliance with local,  state, and federal game laws.

            E.   To support wildlife conservation programs and to assist wildlife management  programs in Idaho.

            F.   To strengthen landowner/trapper cooperation and understanding.

            G.  To increase knowledge and practice of trapping skills; marksmanship; and other outdoor recreation skills that is harmonious with the sport of trapping.

            H.  To cooperate with other organizations that share the objectives stated in paragraph (A) through (G).



Any citizen of the United States may become a member of this association after (1) truthfully subscribing to the following pledge, and payment of the usual initiation fee and dues.  All officers of the Idaho Trappers Association must be a resident of the state of Idaho and must be eighteen (18) years of age or older.  No officer of the Idaho Trappers Association will be an officer from another trapper’s organization excluding National Organizations.


The Idaho Trappers Association pledge is as follows:


I certify that I am a citizen of good repute in the United States of America; that I am not a

member of any organization or group having as its purpose or one of its purposes the overthrow by force or violence of the government of the United States or any state therein  and that, if admitted to membership, I will fulfill the obligations of good sportsmanship and good citizenship.


Association members shall also subscribe to the Idaho Trappers Association Trapper Code of Ethics as follows:


            1.    I shall consider myself an invited guest of the landowner, seeking their  permission, and so conducting myself that I may be welcome in the future.

            2.    I shall obey the rules of safe trapping and safe gun handling and shall insist that others who trap with me do the same.

            3.    I shall obey all game laws and regulations, and will insist that my companions do likewise.

            4.    I shall not tamper with the traps of another trapper.

            5.    I shall avoid setting traps in areas where domestic animals may be caught and release and notify the rightful owners of domestic pets or proper authorities when possible.

            6.    Upon request, I shall assist farmers and landowners with predator problems.

            7.    I shall check my traps as required by law.

            8.    I shall dispose of animal carcasses properly.

            9.    I shall aide new trappers when possible.

          10.   I shall strive to maintain a good relationship with other sportsmen.

          11.   I shall support conservation efforts that will assure good trapping for future

                  generations of America.

          12.   I shall pass on to younger trapper’s attitudes and skills essential to be a true sportsman.


Section 1.         The Board of Directors of this association shall be President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer and (3) Directors, all with voting rights, who shall serve without pay.


Section 2.         There will be (3) three Directors which shall be considered Directors at  large and may be from any region or area in the state of Idaho.  Any Idaho Trappers Association member in good standing may nominate such Directors.  Individuals nominated for election to the board of directors must be approved by the current voting board members.  Each Director shall serve a two-year term.


Section 3.         The Board of Directors shall have general control over all the officers and committees, as well as management of all affairs and funds.  It shall approve any officers, when elections are not hereinafter provided for, and shall, at its discretion, designate such employees as shall be retained, determine amount of their expenses, and otherwise supervise the physical operation of this association.


Section 4.         It shall be the duty of the President to preside at all meetings of the  association and its Board of Directors to serve ex-officio as a member of all committees, except the Nomination Committee, and to perform such other activities as ordinarily pertains to the office.


Section 5.         It shall be the duty of the Vice-President to preside in the absence of the President at any public or private meeting in representation of the association, and over meetings of the association and its Board of Directors.  The Vice-President shall be particularly charged with developing the membership strength of the Association, with frequent reports to the President and shall furthermore; be responsible for the  publication of the Idaho Trapper Newsletter as deemed necessary.


Section 6.         The Secretary shall be nominated by the President, subject to approval of  the Board of Directors, and it shall be the duty of the Secretary to keep accurate records, in the permanent form, of all business transacted, and to perform other such duties as the Board of Directors shall prescribe.  The Secretary shall provide to each director, within  forty-five (45) days  following the Annual Meeting a complete record upon the condition of  membership and finances, the minutes of the meetings, and other pertinent material.  The Secretary shall be prepared to deliver, at any general       meeting, a report upon the condition of the association, minutes of the previous meetings, and other pertinent information.


Section 7.         The Treasurer shall be nominated by the President, subject to approval of  the Board of Directors, and it shall be the duty of the Treasurer to receive all monies accruing to the Association, to deposit them in a suitable bank, banks, or credit unions, and to account for same at general meetings, or at any other time on request of the Board of Directors.  Upon retirement from office, the Treasurer shall relinquish to the successor or to the President, all funds and properties in his/her possession belonging to the Association. The Treasurer shall discharge all other duties as shall ordinarily pertain to the office of Treasurer.


Section 8.         Board of Directors shall not receive any fee, salary, or other remuneration  from the association, excepting they may be reimbursed for actual expenses incurred in the performance of Association business. Mileage allowances shall not exceed the current IRS mileage rate.  All mileage reimbursements must have prior approval by the Board of  Directors.


Section 1.         There shall be a General Fund for the Association with all monies being deposited by the Treasurer and/or a delegate in such bank, banks, or credit unions, which are federally insured, as may be designated by the Board of  Directors.


Section 2.         All disbursements from the General Fund of the association shall be numbered checks.  All checks shall require two (2) signatures from any combination of the President, Vice-President, or Treasurer.  All disbursements must have been ordered by the Board of Directors, except however, that the President, Treasurer, and Secretary may together, approve a bill covering for current expenses.


Section 3.         The President shall prepare an annual budget to be submitted to the Board of Directors, such budget to be subject to amendments by the Board and to become effective with its approval.


Section 4.         Any individual having charge or control of funds belonging to the Idaho Trappers Association may invest such funds in stocks, mutual funds, bonds or other interest bearing funds or accounts as approved by 100% of the Board of Directors.


Section 5.         Membership dues shall be $15.00 annually for Regular Membership without magazine subscription; and $25.50 with magazine subscription. Family Membership dues shall be $20.00 without magazine subscription; and  $30.50 with magazine subscription.  Lifetime membership shall be $250.00 without magazine subscription; and $500.00 with magazine subscription.


Section 1.         The Election Oversight  Committee shall consist of a minimum of  two (2)  members.  This committee shall receive nominations from the membership for the office of President, Vice-President, and Directors.  All nominations must be postmarked by the US mail, no later than 1 April.  Email nominations will be accepted by the Committee.


Section 2.         The name of the nominated member, along with that person's letter or email of acceptance will be approved by the Board as to the member’s  “good   standing” with the Association.  Upon approval by the Board, the nominating committee shall prepare a ballot to be mailed through the US Postal Service, at a date no later than the 20th of April to each current member for voting.  Family ballots may be mailed together in one (1)  envelope.  The marked ballots will be returned to the nomination committee chairpersons, with a postmark of no later than 15 May.  The ballots shall be counted, and confirmed by the nominating committee, no later than 31 May.  The candidate for each position must receive a fifty-one percent (51%) majority of the ballots returned.


Section 3.         The newly elected officers shall take office at the Annual Convention.


Section 4.         Regular, Life, Family, and Out of State Members, and new members with paid membership applications received by an ITA Officer or Director postmarked or received, not later than 31 March shall have ITA voting privileges.  Honorary members do not have ITA voting privileges.


Section 1.         The President shall appoint any committees as deemed necessary.


Section 2.         The President may appoint, subject to the Board’s approval, such standing committees as Membership, Education, Budget & Finances, Constitution &  By-Laws, Publicity, Annual Meeting, Awards, Internal  Affairs, Auditing, and Elections.


Section 3.         It shall be the privilege of any member to attend and take apart in discussions with any standing committee, with the exception of the  election oversight committee.


Section 1.         Robert’s Rules of Order (Newly Rev.) shall govern all meetings, except when the Board moves to suspend the rules.


Section 1.         The ITA shall cooperate with all other conservation organizations or agencies, private and public, federal, state, and local, in matters of  mutual interest which do not conflict with the objectives of this organization.



Section 1.         The vote of  two-thirds (2/3) of the Board of Directors will be necessary to remove a Director or member from office prior to expiration from term for which Director has been elected.  Any request for removal must be  through due process.  Fifteen days (15) notice in writing shall  be given listing the time and place of special meeting at which such ballot on his/her removal is to be taken.  At such meetings the officer or member shall be given a full hearing if requested.


Section 2.         Charges against any officer or member may be made by any member in good standing.  They shall be in writing, clearly stating the facts relied  upon and accompanied by all affidavits or exhibits which are to be used in their support.  Such charges shall be filed with the Secretary, who will immediately notify the President.  The President will call a meeting of the Board of Directors to hear the charges.  The Secretary will give at least fifteen (15) days notice of the meeting to each member of the Board of Directors and to the accuser and to the accused, which notice shall be in writing and will include a true copy of the charges and of the supporting affidavits and exhibits.


Section 1.         The Annual Meeting (Convention) of the Idaho Trappers Association, Inc. shall be at such time and place as determined by the Board of Directors. 


            A.        The location shall include covered facilities to accommodate current weather conditions, electricity (domestic or portable), restrooms, culinary water, camping areas and motels within a reasonable distance.


            B.         Organize and procure with approval from Board of Directors all plaques and awards to be presented; such as Presidential, Director, Outstanding Member, Hall of Fame, etc.


            C.        The annual meeting of the Idaho Trappers Association, shall be held between June 1 and September 1 but not in conflict with the NTA Convention or Western NTA Convention.


            D.        If the NTA or Western NTA Convention is held in Idaho, the ITA will not  have a separate convention that year.  The ITA Convention may be  combined with the NTA Convention.



Section 2.         Special Meetings of the Association may be held at any time upon the call of the President, or upon the call of the Board of Directors, or in writing,  stating the object of the proposed meeting, and signed by not less than two-thirds (2/3) percent of the members entitled to vote.  Notice of the time, place, and object of any special meeting shall be given to all officers and members in good standing in writing by US mail not less than seven days prior to the date fixed for the holding of the meeting.  The place of  such special meeting shall be fixed by the Board of Directors.  The expenses incurred by special meetings called by general membership shall not be borne by the ITA general fund.


Section 3.         The installation of newly elected officers shall be at the Annual Meeting.



Section 1.         The Idaho Trappers Association, Inc. Directors shall be elected for a term of (2) two years.


Section 2.         The Idaho Trappers Association, Inc. President and Vice-President shall be elected for a (2) two year term, with the election of the President in odd years and election of the Vice-President in even years.


Section 3.         Any present or former member of the Board of Directors or officer of the association, or other such persons so designated at the discretion of the  Board of Directors, or legal representative of such person, shall be indemnified by the Association against all reasonable costs, expenses and counsel fees paid or incurred in connection with any action, suit, or  proceeding to which any such person or legal representative may be made a party by reason of being or having been such a Director or officer, or serving or having served the Association, except in relation to matters to which he or she shall be found guilty of negligence or misconduct in  respect of the matters in which indemnity is sought, and in relation to matters settled or otherwise terminated without a final determination on the merits where such settlement or termination is predicted on the existence of  such negligence or misconduct.


Section 1.         These By-Laws may be amended, repealed, or altered, in whole or part, by the Board of Directors of the Idaho Trappers Association, Inc.  with a two-thirds (2/3) majority vote of the Board Members.  Final approval shall be by ballot mailed to the General Membership (a 51% majority of returned ballots must be in favor of the changes to be effective) or by the General Membership at the Annual Convention, with a quorum of the total membership present.


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